GEMS/Cadets Car Derby: Join GEMS & Cadets for their annual car derby on Wednesday, February 26. Voting begins at 6:30PM and the race begins at 6:45PM. Be sure to get there a bit early so you can vote for your favorite cars!! Dessert will be served by the GEMS group
Bible Project Study: Mark your calendars for the next study series beginning March 2. You can attend this series even if you were not able to attend the previous studies. This series will focus on "The Wrath of God". Dates for this series are March 2, March 9, March 16, March 23. They...
All Church Soup & Potluck Lunch: Sunday, February 23 beginning at 11:45AM in the church fellowship hall. The Enfolding Team will be providing the soup and desserts. They are asking everyone to bring a side dish. Please sign up on the slat wall (across from the drinking fountain in the...
From the Elders: A few years ago, in conjunction with Synod, the Elders adopted the opportunity for baptized children to participate in the Lord’s Supper before they make a formal profession of faith. On January 26 the Elders met with various Kid's Club classed to discuss this...
Spiritual Gifts: Last week Pastor Micah talked about Spiritual Gifts and that they are skills God give to individuals to serve one another. God wants us to use those gifts! To download the handout that was available after the sermon on Spiritual Gifts click HERE.
Adult Ed: Starting February 9 we'll be beginning a sermon series on Stewardship called 'Living Generously', and if you'd like to lean into that more fully and join with others who are also interested in becoming more free to live generously as you follow the Spirit's lead over the next few...
Save The Date: Vacation Bible School (VBS) is July 20 - July 24 from 6:00PM to 8:30PM. Stay tuned for more info in the coming months. They are looking for some new leaders this year for games and decorating. Email Kim by clicking HERE if you are interested.
Friendship Club Snacks: would you like help with snacks for Friendship Club? (homemade or store bought!). We’d love to have something salty and something sweet for each meeting for roughly 50 people. To sign up click HERE or you can sign up on the slat wall in church building...
Student Ministries: are gearing up and getting ready to kick off this fall. Click HERE to sign up.
GEMS (Girls in 2nd - 6th Grade): September 4, contact Kim at
Cadets (Boys in 2nd - 6th Grade): September 11, contact Brandon at
Middle School Youth Group...
We are pleased to announce that the PHCRC livestream of worship services is now being simulcast on both the church website and YouTube. The live video on the church website will remain the same. We highly encourage the use and sharing of the church website livestream page, but...